RS2D MRI Console


The RS2D MRI Console represents the 4th generation of MRI spectrometers designed and manufactured by RS2D. This advanced, multi-channel console is versatile, suitable for various applications in the medical, preclinical, and research fields. It is particularly well-suited for multinuclear acquisition, leveraging RS2D’s extensive experience in NMR technology.

The console is available in two different variations, tailored for low and high field systems.

It includes acquisition software with intuitive pulse sequence development tools and an API for external software control, making it an ideal choice for both research laboratories and industrial applications.


  • Transmitters (Tx):
    • 2 broad band channels
  • Receiver (Rx):
    • 4 – 16 high-field channels ( 5 – 600 MHz )
    • 4 – 8 low field channels ( 40k – 25 MHz )
  • 4 gradient channels
  • Multi-nuclear capability

Download the MRI console brochure

MRI customizable console Cameleon


  • Prim: Acquisition Software
  • SequenceDev : Sequence development software
  • Driver: Communication interface to take control of the console from a third-party software


Pulse sequence available on demand

    • Spin Echo
    • Spin Echo Diffusion with EPI
    • FSE (Fast Spin Echo) with Inversion-Recuperation, Fat Saturation,
    • Gradient Echo
    • T1, T2 map
    • B1/B0 map
    • UTE
    • 2D / 3D TOF
    • CSI
    • Single Voxel Spectroscopy
    • Cine Cardiac/ Black Blood
    • MP-RAGE (Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo)

Other sequences are available on request.


MRI images


Any question? Please contact us via the contact page.