Find answers to your questions about the RS2D MRI and NMR product line in the FAQ.

Discover what console is perfect for you among our NMR & MRI consoles, and preclinical imaging products.


Find your answers about NMR and MRI in this FAQ

  • What is the Cameleon4®?

    The Cameleon4TM is the core of the RS2D magnetic resonance product line.  This versatile electronic platform was designed for a wide range of NMR and MRI products, providing power and flexibility to these systems. The Cameleon4TM (Cam4TM) is the fourth generation of this innovative MR platform designed and built by RS2D, offering superior capabilities. The Cameleon4TM is integrated into the RS2D product line and into the most powerful NMR benchtop available on the market, the 100MHz from Nanalysis.

  • What is the MRI console Cameleon4®?

    The RS2D MRI Console is the 4th generation of MRI spectrometers designed and built by RS2D. This multi-channel console receives and transmits high to low field MRI application which is also well adapted for multi-nucleus acquisition thanks to the experience of RS2D in NMR. With an acquisition software integrating simple pulse sequence development tools, and an interface for controlling the electronic platform from a third-party software, the console is suitable for both Research Lab and industrial application.

  • What is the difference between the Cameleon4® and the MRI console Cameleon4®?

    The Cameleon4TM is the core of the RS2D magnetic resonance product line.  This versatile electronic platform has been designed for a wide range of NMR and MRI products, providing power and flexibility to these systems. The Cameleon4TM  is the electronic board, while the MRI Console Cameleon4TM is a configurable spectrometer that includes the Cameleon4TM  board, a gradient receiver, a TTL and a power supply. The MRI Console Cameleon4TM is a final MRI product that incorporates the Cameleon4TM  technology.

  • What is the Gecho?

    The Gecho is a modular RF chain (NMR Spectrometer (Cameleon4TM) + Amplifiers + Pre-amplifiers), associated with a power supply, that can be modified to meet your needs. The Gecho is a versatile system where one can add parts on request, such as a shim card or a gradient card.

  • How do I know if your console will fit into my existing system?

    Our consoles are compatible with most existing NMR or MRI systems on the market. Before placing an order, our engineers will conduct a study of your system and ask you a number of questions, for example:

    • NMR console: What is your current shim stack ? Which sample changer do you have?
    • MRI console: What kind of coil do you want to use with the system?

    If you have any questions, contact us here.

  • What are preclinical MRI solutions RS2D offers?

    RS2D provides nanoScan® MRI preclinical systems. The equipment of the nanoScan® Family delivers the current and future promise of molecular imaging by maximizing functional information in combination with precise anatomical detail.  The family includes:

    MRI 3T and 7T with the most robust cryogen-free superconducting magnet

    PET/MRI, the full scale quantitative PET combined with the most robust cryogen-free superconducting magnet

    The versatile SPECT/CT with absolute quantification and full stationary dynamic imaging

    PET/CT, the real dynamic PET-system designed for quantitative studies

    The versatile SPECT/CT/PET with real dynamic PET with absolute quantification

  • Do you provide a full MRI console?

    Yes, we provide full MRI consoles, to be connected to your magnet. This console must be designed for your own application; shim power supply, RF amplifier and gradients amplifiers will be built to your technical specifications. If you have a full MRI console project, please contact us.

  • Do you provide solutions for NMR?

    Yes, we provide NMR solutions with the Gecho customizable console.

    The Gecho is a modular RF chain (NMR Spectrometer (Cameleon4TM) + Amplifiers + Pre-amplifiers), associated with a power supply, that can be modified to meet your needs. The Gecho is a versatile system where one can add parts on request, such as a shim card or a gradient card.

    Any question? Please contact us.

  • Do you provide solutions for clinical MRI?

    Yes, we provide MRI clinical solutions. Have a look at one of our customer’s portable clinical MRI based on Cameleon4TM technology.

    If  you have an MRI clinical project, please contact our team here.

  • Do you provide a software suite along with your consoles?

    Yes, RS2D offers a software suite for customer needs. According to your equipment (MRI or NMR), a dedicated software allows for control of the spectrometer to launch acquisitions:

    PRim: Preclinical MRI acquisition software

    SPINit : NMR acquisition software

    Delivered with your system, more software are available for further developments, such as SequenceGUI for electronic testing, or SequenceDevelopment the dedicated software for advanced pulse sequence development in NMR or MRI (graphical edition, or Java written).

    If you want to get an overview, try the SPINit NMR software here.

  • What are RS2D console applications in magnetic resonance?

    Our NMR and MRI consoles are intended for a variety of applications, including pre- and clinical imaging, NMR research, structural elucidation, and food sciences. They can be used either with clinical or preclinical MRI systems. Check our MRI blog to read articles about MRI applications.

  • Do you replace old consoles?

    Yes, whether your console is 5 or 25 years old, we adapt our console to your system to upgrade your spectrometer. A case study will be carried out in order to propose you the best solution to replace your old NMR or MRI console.